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         At the United Nations, there have been many activities regarding Hawaii but which are not familiar with many people in Hawaii.  The documents below just touch the surface of the most relevant events occurring at the General Assembly, the International Court of Justice, and the other specialized organizations of the U.N.  The ICJ is the judicial arm of the U.N. and we have posted a recent decision regarding decolonization which has very important implications for the Hawaii case.  The second document calls for members of the General Assembly to review an error which it made in taking Hawaii off the list of places to be decolonized.  The third document sets forth one possible resolution for re-inscribing Hawaii back on that list.  The next document does a legal analysis for decolonization of Hawaii and the fifth document is a "historical" document which records for posterity the voices of former Governor Quinn, former C.J. William Richardson, both of whom are now deceased, and offers an important look into the mistake they participated in bringing about Statehood.


         The next document combines some of the documents also found elsewhere and is a response to an inquiry by a Special Rapporteur (reporter or investigator) from the office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights regarding the Legacy of Colonization.  I have written that document from the perspective of the Hawaii case.  That last entry includes many attachments which gives a background of the Hawaii situation and some particulars with respect to a present criminal proceeding.


I have also included documents responding to the Alaska situation to the Special Rapporteur.  The investigator may be able to see the great similarity in the legal case for decolonization between Hawaii and Alaska.


Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions after reading these documents.


Poka Laenui  May 5, 2021